Pomodoro Technique actually works.

Muhammad Sikander
2 min readJan 1, 2021

The secret to effective time management is…thinking in tomatoes rather than hours? It may seem silly at first, but millions of people swear by the life-changing power to the Pomodoro Technique. (Pomodoro is Italian for tomato.)

This popular time management method asks you to alternate pomodoros — focused work sessions — with frequent short breaks to promote sustained concentration and stave off mental fatigue.

What is the Pomodoro Technique?

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management system that encourages people to work with the time they have — rather than against it. Using this method, you break your workday into 25-minute chunks separated by five-minute breaks. These intervals are referred to as pomodoros. After about four pomodoros, you take a longer break of about 15 to 20 minutes.

My Experience

After hearing and learning about this technique, I thought of trying and and to be honest, I had the most productive day. This technique helped in every possible way. I completed my tasks in one day which I have not been able to complete for days. Check out my list.

Since I have been able to do more using this technique, I surely will apply this whenever I have to be productive and do more in less time. I also faced some disturbances during this technique like my phone kept on vibrating, notifications were popping up but then put my phone on silent mode. Sometimes the break between activities went a little bit more. LOL.

For next time using this technique, I will add more tasks and will put my phone on silent mode before hand, I will ask my family not to disturb me while I’ll be working.

To the people reading this, this technique is a must try. Once you try it, you will fall in love with this technique. All the best. Have a productive time.

